Visa refused or cancelled? We may be able to help.
A VISA REFUSAL OR CANCELLATION IS NOT THE END OF THE ROAD. Unfair or wrong decisions by the department may be fixed through a successful appeal to either the Tribunal, directly to the Minister or the Federal Court. We’ll help you fight to fix unfair or wrong decisions.
A third of migration appeal cases succeed. But a great deal of legal expertise and professional time is often required to prepare good written and evidence-based submissions for an appeal. Rest assured, we won’t risk our reputation or waste your money if we didn’t think there were reasonable prospects of success.
Before refusal or cancellations, the department often provides you with a final opportunity to explain problems with your application. Get professional help now as it will usually be easier and cheaper to deal with the issues at this stage.
Once a refusal or cancellation decision is made then, your only option normally is to seek review from other authorities. Take note that there are strict time-frames in which you can lodge an application for a review, if one is available to you. So, contact us immediately.